First Grade
First grade is such an exciting class, full of creative hands on lessons! Yes, we work hard to build those early foundations of learning and to establish that all-important enthusiasm for lifelong learning and discovery!
In their math class this year, our first graders will learn to count forwards and backwards up to 100. They will know their addition and subtraction facts to 20. They will start to learn about times tables through the use of simple multiplication and division problems, for which they will be given objects to help them work out what is being asked. They will find half and a quarter of a shape or quantity and measure using standard units, as well as tell the time to the hour and half-hour. They will also learn to name some common 2D and 3D shapes.
In English, our first graders will learn to recognize the features of a sentence (for example: first words, capitalization, and ending punctuation), learn some basic digraphs, how an “e” at the end of a word changes a vowel within the word. Reads texts aloud at an appropriate speed and with expression, compare different characters, events, or texts, read grade appropriate poetry, fiction and non-fiction texts e.t.c. In Science our first graders will explore and experiment with the world around with objects provided in class.
They will learn new facts about a variety of topics including: the human body, ocean and sea life, animals, measurement, electricity and magnetism, sound, and matter (the difference between solids, gases and liquids), make observations and records what they see and learn using graphs, pictures, and word. They will also use their 5 senses to observe and learn about objects.
In here, you can find out the latest news of what we’ve been up to including trips, workshops and exciting lessons in school.
Please check our curriculum column to see the complete subjects we offer.

Second Grade
Our 2nd graders have adjusted to the more rigorous learning environment away from what they initially encountered in 1st grade. They are more able to further deepen and expand their skills and knowledge. In 2nd grade, they become more experienced writers, readers, and mathematicians as they practice these skills more and in more complex and comprehensive ways. In their English class this year they will be reading more complex words such as two-syllable words, words with common prefixes and suffixes, grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words e.t.c.
They will also be reading a variety of texts including fiction, non-fiction, fables, and poetry, learn about the structure of a story, specifically the purpose of beginnings (introducing the text) and endings (concluding the text), talks about characters’ responses, main events, the lessons in texts, and important ideas or concepts.
In Maths they will continue to practice their addition and subtraction skills, eventually solving problems mentally and knowing how to add some numbers from memory using concrete, visible math tools and manipulatives, such as blocks, tiles, and different shapes to help them practice math. They will be looking at some math concepts like addition and subtraction of numbers from 1-20 using mental strategies, solve one and two-step addition and subtraction problems with numbers up to 100 using drawings and equations and explaining the process. Compare 3 digit numbers, Measure, Estimate, tell time etc. A world of active/Practical math lessons awaits them this year.
In Science, our 2nd graders will continue to explore the world around them in a more rigorous way as they make more detailed observations and use and collect data to support their observations. They will use hands-on experimentation to develop questions, hypothesize, and make observations and conclusions. Some of the topics they will be studying includes: earth and space; the human body; plants; Life cycles; animals; electricity and magnetism. e.t.c.
Third Grade
Third grade marks a crucial period in our pupils’ learning as they become more independent and mature learners. In 3rd grade, our pupils will progress from practicing basic skills to mastering them and moving on to further developing more complex skills. They will become more advance readers, writers, mathematicians, and thinkers, digging deeper into topics and beginning to analyze what they learn.
Our English class will focus on reading grade-level text with appropriate pace, accuracy, expression and understanding, reading a variety of texts including, fiction, non-fiction, fables, and poetry. We will be writing a variety of texts including: Opinion Pieces, Narrative Pieces and Informative/Explanatory Pieces.
In our Math lessons we will be deepening knowledge on multiplication and division of numbers up to 100, discovering the relationship between multiplication and division, solve word problems that require two steps and more than one mathematical action, round numbers to the nearest tens or hundreds, create fractions and use number lines to represent and compare different fractions. In addition we will learn how to use graphs to represent data, calculate the area of an object using multiplication and addition e.t.c.
In Science, our pupils will be learning about the physical and living world as they make observations, experiment, research, record and present what they have learned. They will conduct hands-on experimentation to develop questions, hypothesize, and make observations and conclusions. Some common topics they will be learning this year include but not limited to: earth and space, plants, life cycles, animals, electricity and magnetism, motion and sound.

Fourth Grade
In 4th grade math, the children will master and further their multiplication, division, and general computation skills. They will learn how to solve real-life word problems using the four basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) and larger numbers. By the end of the year, they are also expected to do all of these operations with greater accuracy and speed. They need not speed through their work, but they need to be able to do it at a pace that shows they understand how to solve a problem without going through too many steps and with a relatively quick sense of how to do it. In addition, 4th graders are encouraged to explain how they solve problems in detailed and specific ways (verbally and through writing), which also helps them practice their writing and analytic skills. They will need to interpret and present data in bar charts and line graphs and will also use visuals, math tools, and manipulatives (such as base blocks, fake money, dice, and shapes), especially to learn and explain how they solve problems with fractions.
In English, our pupils will begin to learn how to “think” and talk about a text in order to find their deeper meanings and messages. This is done both with texts they will be reading independently and texts read by the whole class or smaller groups of pupils.
They will also be increasing their familiarity with a wide range of genres of writing, prepare poems and play scripts to read aloud and perform. Much of the 4th grade writing will be focusing on developing writing, specifically so that it has clarity and structure and uses reasons, facts and, details to support and strengthen their arguments. They will learn how to organize their writing, ensure that it has a flow.
In science, our Fourth graders will be taking their science skills further as they conduct experiments and use these experiments to further their learning. Common topics we will be looking at include but not limited to: earth and space, plants, life cycles, animals, Sound, electricity and magnetism; motion and sound.
Fifth Grade
5th grade is a lot of fun…and a lot of work! As children progress this year, they’ll be expected to draw on what they’ve learned in previous years to move forward in Maths, English and Science. In Fifth grade they practice, refine, and grow their skills, taking all that they have learned to the next step.
In English, they will be writing structured, clear, and detailed pieces, and are encouraged to be more independent in their learning, requiring less guidance and support from adults and teachers. They will also be reading a variety of genres of text including: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama. Children will continue to use their skills of inference of characters’ motives and feelings and will start to think about figurative language and how it is used. They will learn to spell a variety of more sophisticated words with different prefixes and suffixes and will also be encouraged to use technology and digital media to further understand a topic and find the answers to questions.
In Maths, Our children will practice more complex computation with fractions, decimals, and larger numbers, using all four basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They will most times solve equations that require multiple steps and must be solved in a specific order. Our 5th grade math will also emphasizes real life situations to help our pupils strengthen their skills and solve problems that occur in their own lives. To achieve this, we often will use real-life objects and math tools like money, rulers, and visuals to teach new concepts. As in previous grades, our 5th graders are often asked to explain how they solve problems in order to ensure that they truly understand the concepts underlying the equations they solve.
In Science, Similar to other subjects in 5th grade, science lessons will emphasize the importance of analyzing what they learn in order to deepen their thinking, expand their knowledge, and develop their own ideas and conclusions. Common topics they will be learning include but not limited to: ecosystem, plants, fossils, animals, the human body, rocks and minerals, cells, traits and hereditary.

Sixth Grade
Getting ready for final exit from primary school, our year six undergo extensive exam preparation revisions to get them ready for various secondary school of choice in and outside the country. In addition to the above they also write the EDEXCEL international examination set by Pearsons International for the award of the iPrmary curriculum certification.
As part of their revision In English classes, the pupils will revisit great works of literature, including biographies, short stories, folktales, myths, poetry, and plays. They will spend time, in class and as homework, analyzing these works and studying the complex elements of plot, setting, and character development. They will compare differences in genre and style, and learn to interpret literary devices like foreshadowing and flashback. The overall goal is to help them develop a more sophisticated understanding of literature and a true love for reading, which will, in turn, build vocabulary, comprehension, fluency, and knowledge
In Mathematics, they review all they have learnt e.g in square, prime and negative numbers, multiplying and dividing with numbers up to four digits, using formal, efficient methods. They will also be doing more complicated work with fractions, decimals, percentages, ratio, proportion and algebra.
In Science, our pupils will learn about classifying micro-organisms, plants and animals, they will look at fossils, reproduction and adaptation and look closely at how light travels and how shadows are made. They will also look at diet and exercises and analyse the function of lamps, buzzers, cells and switches.